I see teams delivering more features. But I do not see teams believing that this means more value. Every team I know is very much aware that MORE does not (always) mean BETTER. Quite the contrary is true: most teams are pretty frustrated that their organization forces them to deliver more and faster without looking at the outcome/value.
Thus, I think the root cause is more systemic and can be found in the organizational design of a company. A new manifesto will not help much. Instead, I have the fear that yet another manifesto drives the problem even more because, as I said, it just generates more management buzz. And this buzz leads to a situation that allows people to shy away from the real problems. Instead, people like product owners or product managers get blamed like “Why don’t you focus on value?!”
By the way, the Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) and the Fit for Purpose Framework (F4P) address this issue already very well. Before an organization reaches KMM level 3 (Fit for Purpose), the organization tends to deliver more (output vs. outcome) and faster. In short, "deliver crap faster."