Boris Karl Schlein
Boris Karl Schlein

What do I write about?

I write articles on leadership, change, organizational design, as well as agile and lean software development. Whenever I have a topic that is bothering me and I find the time, I write and publish an article. That means, usually, I don't follow a regular interval.

What's my professional background?

I was a software developer, management consultant, agile coach, and team lead. Today, I am in a department lead position responsible for developing a globally used software product. I worked at small, medium, and large enterprises. You can find me on LinkedIn.

Since I worked in the software development industry as a consultant for agile Software Development and later worked as an agile coach, I am firm with Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Kanban, LeSS, and, sad but true, also SAFe.

I am an expert in leadership theory since I deep-dived into the domain while I studied at university. Since then, I have devoured many books on the subject. And, of course, I am a leadership practitioner as I work in a leadership position.

Currently, I am deepening my knowledge of systems theory and systems thinking.

Why am I writing on Medium?

I use the writing of articles to reflect my thoughts. Whenever you have to make something explicit by writing it down, you see some things you did not consider in the first place. Writing completes your train of thought, protecting you from lying to yourself.

Usually, my articles should be shorter to attract a broader audience and generate reach. Sometimes, I represent uncomfortable positions without a happy end, which is also not a great driver for getting more reach. I am aware of that. I have deliberately chosen to stick with it since my motivation for writing is neither money-making nor generating reach.

Who am I?

I am a father and a husband, loving my wife and children.

One last thing.

It makes me happy if my articles help you learn or reflect on yourself. If so, you may follow me and leave a clap. And even more importantly, please leave a comment since I am highly interested in discussing topics. If you have constructive criticism, give me a chance to learn from you and leave a comment as well.